Join in with the MCPS lockdown fitness workout!
Maldon Court Christmas Service
Early Years Nativity
Winter Netball Tournament
For many weeks now Form 5 have been determined to test their netball skills against Form 6. Yesterday we held a Form 5 v Form 6 netball tournament. This consisted of two Form 5 teams and two Form 6 teams. Each team played every other team. Form 5 were superb and Form 6 were soon aware there would be no easy matches with Form 5 pushing Form 6 every step of the way. The experience of the Form 6 teams eventually won through with them finishing the group stage in first and second places, earning the right to contest the final match. This was an excellent showcase of the sporting talent at MCPS and we look forward to further competitions in Hockey and Rugby in the Spring Term. Well done to all who took part.
Form1 Letters To Santa
Form 1 have had a very exciting week in English this week. We have been busy writing our letters to Father Christmas. The children were very excited and were sure to use their best handwriting ready for when he reads their letters. The children were very good at writing their letters and even had to think of a question to ask him.
Form 6 - Heritage Walk
Form 6 have been looking at poetry from the First World War in English which really captured the children’s interest. At their request on Tuesday we had a focus day on WW1 and looked at the causes of the war, the conditions in the trenches and focused on a solider from the War Memorial. The pupils went to the memorial, chose a name and we used the online Census to find out about the life of the soldier, their family, occupation and where they lived. The class found this fascinating and all agreed it helped them to understand the soldiers were real people who have families like us. They were shocked to see how young some of the boys, how they would lie about their ages to go off and fight. We also continued our local history project and the pupils had a wonderful time walking around Maldon collecting pictures and testing the route of their own Childs Heritage Walk of Maldon.
Form 4
This term, Form 4 have been learning about different symbols that signify the Christian meaning of Christmas. The children have enjoyed discussing the different symbols that remind them of the Christmas story and have reflected on their meaning. The children each decided on their own symbol that represents the Christian meaning of Christmas and painted this design using acrylic paints onto their stone. Well done Form 4.