The Pre-Reception Staff
Maldon Court Pre Reception has taken the lead from the Prep School in ensuring the staff you entrust to look after your children maintain the highest standards and expectations.
We understand that you need to feel comfortable in leaving your child in our care and it is a privilege that our parents do so.
We are proud to introduce you to our Pre-Reception Team. They are an experienced, caring and highly knowledgeable group and they place a real importance on being approachable. They will be keen to share your child's earliest educational journey with you.
Pre-Reception Manager - Mrs sophie kennedy
I have been at Maldon Court School for five years now. I have had the opportunity to work with many different age ranges, I most enjoy early years!
I enjoy working with children as I find it such a rewarding job role and it is a pleasure to watch them grow and develop under my care.
Pre- Reception provides a fantastic base for your child’s education and they will learn through the fun and stimulating environment that we provide here at Maldon Court Preparatory School.
Pre-reception practitioner - Miss Lisa Hansell
I have been at Maldon Court Preparatory School since September 2021. I believe childcare to be such a rewarding job and I enjoy being a part of the nursery very much.
Maldon Court Nursery and Pre Reception provides plenty of activities to help children flourish with their learning and development. We also provide the best possible care to make a happy environment for children and also their families.
My favourite part of being at the school is seeing how excited the children are when they arrive in the morning ready for their day.
““Our daughter has loved Pre-Prep and cannot wait to start Reception. She has been very happy since she joined Maldon Court and this has been a huge relief for us; starting school is such a big step. You and your staff have much to be proud of, your school and ethos is a credit to staff and students alike.””