Form 4 Danbury Outdoors 2024

Form 4 Danbury Outdoors 2024

The children had an amazing time at Danbury Outdoors. Please see below the photographs from the past two days.

Form 4 Danbury outdoors video

Day One

Day Two


Form 6 - PGL 2024


The children are thoroughly enjoying their time at PGL. So far, they have completed a sensory trail and climbing. There has been a lot of laughter and stumbling about on the sensory trail. The climbing has been very competitive. Everyone has shown great determination to reach the top of the wall, well done Form 6.

Later today, the children are going to be raft building and complete a challenge course.

More photographs from Tuesday below…

Wednesday 24th April

The children are having a lovely time.

Today, they have hoisted each other up the giant swing and then taken the leap of faith on the trapeze. Closer to the ground the children have been doing some problem solving, archery and eating huge amounts of food. They will then be playing a game of rounders before the mystery balloon challenge.

THursday 25th April

The children have enjoyed their final full day at PGL. We have been rifle shooting followed by the fantastic zip wire.

After lunch, we went on a survival experience with fire lighting and shelter building. This was followed by canoeing on the lake.

We have had a lovely dinner and are now off for a disco!


Form 5 Fellowship Afloat 2024

Day 1

The children have settled beautifully into life aboard the Trinity Light Ship. After a welcome meeting and the excitement of finding out who they were sharing a cabin with, the children had a go at crabbing, with some large crabs being caught!  The children have done very well at keeping their cabins clean and tidy and all scored highly in the first cabin inspection!

After a hearty lunch, we took to the water in power boats. All the children had a turn at steering and proved excellent at negotiating their way around buoys and other boats. We cruised all the way to Mersea Island before turning back.

After a delicious dinner and some games, we pulled on our waterproofs again for a night walk which the children enjoyed.

A warm shower and story followed before the children settled to bed, with most of them falling asleep quickly after all the fresh air and activities!

The children are being very helpful with chores such as washing up and cleaning the saloon after meals and are all eagerly awaiting the next cabin inspection to see if they can improve on their previous score!

Today we are looking forward to sailing and kayaking if the weather allows.

Day 2

The children were up bright and early ready for a day full of exciting activities.

After a cooked breakfast and chores we walked to a large saltwater pool where the children enjoyed a morning of kayaking. They all picked up how to control their kayak very quickly, learning how to turn, stop and paddle backwards.

They enjoyed lots of games using their newly learnt skills and everyone managed to stay in their kayak and not fall in the water!

All the children helped put the kayaks and paddles away and then we walked back to the ship for a hot lunch with plenty of fruit and cake for dessert.

It was a little too windy for sailing, so the children enjoyed lots of team building activities during the afternoon, both on and off the ship. They discussed what makes a great team and worked well together to complete the tasks.

Tonight the children will be visiting the onboard shop and taking part in a quiz night. May the best team win!!


After a good night’s sleep the children awoke refreshed and keen to start their last activity.

Everyone made sure their cabins were clean and tidy after another cabin inspection last night resulting in some good and some not quite so good scores!

After a hearty breakfast, and a special hot chocolate for the birthday boy, the children embarked on their high ropes challenge. They all did brilliantly and the wind didn’t put them off!

It was then back to the ship for a last meal and time to pack their bags (sorry for the wet and muddy clothes parents!)

The children have had a great time and have hopefully all learnt some new skills and that they can achieve anything they put their mind to. They should all be so proud of themselves.


Form 4 - Danbury Outdoors 2023

Day One

Day one at Danbury Outdoors has been a resounding success. We have zipped down the zip wire and whizzed around the aerial trekking, such bravery and enthusiasm from everyone. A few sunny showers, but nothing will stop us. They all want to go higher and faster tomorrow.

Day two

Form 4 had an amazing time at Danbury Outdoors. We did the zip wire, aerial trekking, vertical challenge and an obstacle course. The mixed weather did nothing to dampen the enthusiasm, yes, we got a little muddy, but what a wonderful experience it was. Some climbed higher than they ever thought they would, supported their peers to achieve beyond their expectations and created memories that will be revisited often.


Form 6 - PGL - Bawdsey Manor 2023

Day one

The children have all arrived safely at Bawdsey Manor and they have settled into the their rooms. They are looking forward to dinner followed by a PGL tournament this evening.

Day two

The children have had a brilliant day so far. This morning, after a yummy breakfast, they have completed trapeze and problem solving. After a delicious lunch, the children have then been zip lining and abseiling. What a fun filled day! This evening, after dinner, they will be enjoying a camp fire. They are also enjoying their ‘cabin time’ where they get to spend quality time with their friends sharing all the goodies they have bought at the shop! 

day three

After some sleepy looking faces this morning, the children perked up after a huge cooked breakfast!

This morning the children have pushed themselves to their limits on the giant swing. A challenge that requires team work and bravery in order to overcome fears.

The children have also made and ridden on buggies that they have made using poles, barrels and lots of rope. The building theme continued after lunch where we built rafts. After a quick lesson on paddling and steering the children sailed their rafts up and down the river that surrounds the Manor.

We've continued with the teamworking skills on the sensory trail as the children navigate a series of obstacles whilst they are all blindfolded!

After dinner we have a balloon splash challenge to look forward to and maybe, perhaps, an early night!

Day Four

Happy Birthday to Jacob Day

The children have a had another fun filled day. They completed an assault challenge followed by fun and games on the climbing wall. We all had a lovely lunch that included some yummy cup cakes for Jacob’s birthday. He was given a special birthday badge where he could be first in the queue for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

This afternoon we have enjoyed a coastal walk and air rifle shooting. This evening, the children will participate in a game called - Around the World and visit the shop to buy souvenirs.

The children have all had a wonderful time, they have been super kind and very supportive of each other. As always, they have been beautifully behaved and done themselves and the school proud.



Thursday 12th May and Friday 13th May

Our Form 4 children are having the best time at Danbury Outdoors. After having a delicious school packed lunch, the children then settled into their cabins. It is always funny to watch the children attempt to make their beds! After this, the children started their activities. They had the most fantastic time doing the Zip Wire and Aerial Trekking. They were all so brave and really pushed themselves out of their comfort zones. What a wonderful experience for them. The children then had some cabin time and played outside with their friends before the delicious dinner. This was much needed after all of their activities! The children are really looking forward to the vertical obstacle course and the obstacle course in the woods tomorrow. They are thoroughly enjoying their first residential trip and making lots of special memories. Well done, Form 4.
